Organic Information

Organic Ingredients

Our Organics Trading co  supplies the international food industry with globally sourced, organic raw ingredients. From farm to the market, it is our mission to work with the utmost respect for people and planet.We are specialized traders, but also known as experts in sustainable global sourcing projects in order to offer a wide range of certified raw products. fair trade  ensure organic integrity and the highest product quality. Organic agriculture describes a holistic concept, starting from the soil where produce is grown to the final product. The growth of the organic food market is a symbol for the combined effort to minimize the impact of the food industry on the planet, promoting the health of the environment and every living organism. 


Our Organics Trading  Co  already serve numerous companies in the food industry. Among our customers are organic (industrial)bakeries,(health)food wholesalers, packers, retailers, etc… 


About Organics


What is ORGANIC?

  • Put simply, ‘organics’ is the growing and harvesting of food without chemical pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers the planting of healthy seeds free from techniques of Genetic Modification and Genetic Engineering the processing of foods without artificial preservatives or additives the ethical and environmentally sustainable practices of farm management and food production

What is Organic Agriculture?

Organic agricultural systems are based on respect for natural ecosystems and cycles. Farms are managed to maximise soil fertility and minimise adverse impact on the local natural systems. The skill in organic farming methods is to make the land productive in a sustainable and non-polluting way. In the wider sense, organic agriculture aims to create an entire production, processing and distribution chain which is both ecologically and socially responsible.Organic farmers are often wrongly characterised and not fully recognised for the work they do. They are innovators and entrepreneurs at the forefront of change. Many are highly skilled individuals who bring a scientific approach to working with the natural world. They are first movers on some of the greatest problems that affect the world, such as climate change.

What is Biodynamic Agriculture?

  • Biodynamics was the first of the modern organic agricultural movements that preserved scientific methods in the use of crop rotation, composting, integrated soil, crop and pest management and animal husbandry during the early part of the 20th century. Biodynamic agriculture is an organic and sustainable approach that not only considers the health of the ecosystem but also takes into account how the rhythms of the universe - the sun, moon, planets and stars - influence how plants grow, to place the farmer totally within natural cycles. It employs a unique set of herbal preparations to enliven and harmonize plants, compost and soil. Biodynamics addresses the source of problems rather than the symptoms. For example, the organic farmer might apply a natural pesticide to discourage or kill insects. A biodynamic farmer looks to the ecosystem to find and correct the imbalance that caused the insect infestation. Both forms of agriculture are ecologically sound and fundamental to the health of the earth, plants and human beings.

Why buy Organic?

  • There is little wonder why many top chefs around the world prefer organic ingredients: 'they just taste better'. Organically grown fruit and vegetables thrive in clean, fertile soils. Grown in accordance with Nature's cycles and ripened naturally, their true natural flavour is not hidden by chemicals and technologies designed to maintain their cosmetic appearance or to speed their maturation. With organics there are no tricks: 'what you get is true old-fashioned flavour and goodness'. Without artificial chemical use or genetic tampering in any part of the organic chain, from the growing to processing, you can be sure your food reaches you the way Nature intended. Beyond the fresh, natural taste are the environmental issues. Your food choice directly affects how our environment is treated and the decisions you make now are passed on to our future generations.

What is gluten?

  • In terms of the medical definition of Celiac Disease, or Gluten Intolerance, "gluten" is defined as the mixture of many protein fragments (called peptide chains or polypeptides) found in common cereal grains — wheat, rye, barley and sometimes oats (oats don’t naturally contain gluten, but are often subject to contamination with small amounts). Wheat is the only grain considered to contain true "gluten" and the peptides that predominate in wheat gluten are gliadin and glutenin.

  • Gliadin is thought to be the peptide chain that instigates the toxic immune response and subsequent intestinal damage in celiacs. However, other protein fragments thought to be toxic to celiacs occur in rye, barley, and oats. They are secalins, hordeins, and avenins, respectively. Even though some research suggests that the avenins are not toxic, most celiacs still avoid oats just to be safe. Minute amounts of any of these protein fragments can cause intestinal damage in people with celiac disease. Because the disease is not fully understood, it is thought there may be other peptide chains including some derived from glutenin, that are also toxic. Because of the lack of definitive research on the disease, celiacs must often live by the saying, "when in doubt, leave it out."

Safe grains for celiacs

  • rice and corn (maize) millet, sorghum, teff, buckwheat, amaranth, quinoa.

Sources of gluten
  • wheat (including semolina, durum, spelt, triticale and KAMUT® khorasan wheat)

  • rye

  • barley

  • oats (oats don't naturally contain gluten, but are often subject to contamination with small amounts and many gluten intolerant people avoid oats).


    The source of many of these ingredients must be carefully scrutinized to ascertain whether or not any gluten is present. For example, modified food starch from corn is acceptable, as long as no wheat starch is included. Apple cider vinegar is acceptable, but distilled vinegars may contain gluten. Pure buckwheat or buckwheat flour is acceptable, but many buckwheat flours are contaminated with or have wheat flour added.

    • Binders

    • Bleu cheese

    • Brown Rice syrup (if barley malt enzyme is used)

    • Caramel coloring (made from barley malt enzymes)

    • Coatings

    • Colorings

    • Dextrins

    • Dispersing agents

    • Emulsifiers

    • Excipients (added to prescription medications to achieve desired consistency)

    • Extracts (in grain alcohol)

    • Fillers

    • Flavorings (in grain alcohol)

    • Flours, Breads, Cereals, Crackers, Pasta, Sauces & Condiments made with the above listed grains or their derivatives.

    • Grain alcohol (beer, ale, rye, scotch, bourbon, grain vodka)2

    • Homeopathic remedies

    • Hydrolyzed protein, hydrolyzed plant protein (HPP) hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP)

    • Malt or Malt Flavoring (Barley malt)

    • Modified starch, modified food starch (when derived from wheat)

    • Mono- and di-glycerides (made using a wheat starch carrier)

    • Oils (wheat germ oil & any oil with gluten additives)

    • Preservatives

    • Soy Sauce (when fermented using wheat)

    • Spices (if containing anti-caking agents)

    • Starch (made from grains listed above)

    • Vegetable gum (when made from oats)

    • Vegetable protein

    • Vinegars (distilled clear and white or with a mash starter)

    • Vitamin E oil

    • Gluten contamination

      When gluten-free grains are milled or processed, they may be contaminated with other grains processed on the same machinery. Gluten contamination may occur via baking pans, grills, utensils, cutting boards, toasters, etc., when foods are baked, cooked, or otherwise processed. Deep frying foods in oils or fats that have been used for gluten containing foods may also lead to gluten contamination. Many fast food chains fry french fries in the same oil as wheat battered onion rings.